"My words are my history, my face is my identity, my spirit is my legacy" Times in my life, I've had those who segregated me in the views of what they perceived me. Many do not know me, many have known, and millions have not meet me. If it were not for my foundation and experiences in life, I would never have a story to tell you. Find my current situation baffling as everyday I discover something once more about life. As I said at the age of 12, " I want to die a Legend, and that's exactly what I will do"
"Followers watch leaders rise, while leaders watch followers with slanted eyes"
Beginning this race of ascension to a higher destiny, allows one to look underneath their feet and find others watching as they ascend upward. As others are afraid to fly, leaders see nothing else but the limitless sky above them. Flying with the flyer's while glancing back at the fearful.
"A box has four walls, the mind has many"
Get out of the tradition of your comfortable atmosphere. Life has not been created to circle the same path as if it sprouts new roads. A construction of unknown paths are what living a true fulfilled life. Those who don't take leaps of faith are doomed to live with out existence. Those who journey out their kingdom find glory at peak levels. If the first man/woman never climbed Kilimanjaro or stepped foot on the moon, how would we ever discover the depths of its structure. Live is meant to be lived, a genuine gift.

"Humanity is the strongest gesture of life"
The good thing about a human is that you can always gather your thoughts and proceed towards the journey as long as you reconstruct the mind. We are the highest thinking beings in the whole animal structure; capable of creation and destruction. Humans can become somewhat stagnate when not challenged; a physically non-functioning dummy. Who are you not to be the best, who are you not to be successful, you are a creation of the highest and its time to sow the seed in foundation.