June 7th 1958 an erotic, exotic musical genius was born, and his name was Prince Rogers Nelson. 50 yrs later we know him now as the man who broke all the rules in music, fashion and culture. Rivaling the greatest musicians of all time the Michaels, Jimi Hendrixes, Morris Days, James Browns , Carlos Santanas, and Curtis Mayfields muthaf#@kas! Prince vocal range has impressed and competed with many.
From the highs and lows of his sweet guitar to the depths of his baritone voice.
The wonderful hits we love, KISS, PURPLE RAIN, LITTLE RED CORVETTE, ADORE and the list goes on. Of course in my lifetime I hail him as one of the greatest beings on earth. Prince's style imposed a new wave culture that are influenced today. A sweet tribute to the man that inspires my soul, I give thanks to God for giving us this brilliant Icon! Kiss!
From the highs and lows of his sweet guitar to the depths of his baritone voice.
The wonderful hits we love, KISS, PURPLE RAIN, LITTLE RED CORVETTE, ADORE and the list goes on. Of course in my lifetime I hail him as one of the greatest beings on earth. Prince's style imposed a new wave culture that are influenced today. A sweet tribute to the man that inspires my soul, I give thanks to God for giving us this brilliant Icon! Kiss!