Every morning I come into work feeling overwhelmed by the task of commuting with a bunch of energy sucking, sad faced zombies on their way to 9-5s. I’m very aware that my completion to my fate may not be as close as I want it to be, but at least I’m taking steps to get there. One must ask themselves, was my purpose meant to stand still in a place that leaves me without joy? There’s a difference in using your current resources to build stairs towards your future destiny, but allowing those resources to overshadow your purpose will result in a six feet box with an unknown skeleton. No one will know your name, know your existence; who you were or what you were meant to be. Don’t let the headlines of your death become your legacy. You were meant to be so much more…Live, Dream, Inspire others to be beautiful! When I come into work each day, I take a glance at my desk where I’ve written these words to encourage my spirit: HAPPINESS, JOY, GRATITUDE, LOVE and at the end of the day don’t forget to SMILE!

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