Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Pony,Pigtails And Princess Dreams...The BUSINESS WOMAN!

Bianca Jagger's 30th Bday

Is it all Make Believe?  Is it possible to truly have everything you ever dreamt as little girl with pigtails playing with Barbie limousines.  Closing your eyes, each year on the day birthday eve wishing to find a brand new pony in the backyard! Or is it the long life dream of having a drop dead gorgeous wedding, a knight & shining husband with adoring children.   Why can't you can't have it ALL, is it not possible to live your dreams. The children, the husband, the car, the house, the business life....Juggling it all, making it happen.  After reading "The Secret" and "The Power", Ive realized that present-day women are the Superwomen of today's businesses.  The act of putting effort towards all the things she ever wanted.  I was told by a good male friend, stating "Women are successful at business and personal life because they are great multi-taskers." AGREED, chuckles!

 Regardless if one makes the choice to go into marriage, have children or start a business...its the visualization of obtaining it and intertwining with passion. As a little girl we've been taught by Disney to visualize a perfect world with perfect outcomes, perfect people and perfect circumstances.  With age this notion has been casted that nothing will ever be perfect and to give up on those dreams, leaving some left content with failure. In life failure is natural state of being but those who are successful (by the standards of success) have embrace failure as a common process of growth. So, today as I begin a new chapter in my quest to live my own dreams as a businesswoman, I will realize that I can have it all with the simple ingredients of visualizing my future, living in the present and understanding my past. The recipe to success is all along in my childhood dreams.



  1. im ecstatic that your blogging again!!

  2. Thanks that means so much to me! I feel after all this time I have alot to say!

  3. Hey love, yes it's all interesting ay. I think that the main thing is to sit and think about what your dreams are....I mean YOUR dreams...there is so much pressure these days to do and be this this & this and live 'the dream'...but I talk to some people and think hang on, is this what YOU really want! I felt like I was failing for awhile there until I realised...um, yeh, actually THIS is what I want to do, screw all the rest! LIVE YOUR DREAM, and always remember the child you, she was/is pure and wise. You are so right.
    P.S LOVE that Bianca picture!!! I just had my 30th bday too! That's awesome she is on a horse! Ye-ahhhh! xxx
